The New Normal

Crisis often opens the floodgates for new perceptions to appear in ways that cannot happen when people are locked into their habitual cycles. What new perceptions have been turning up in your life due to the Corona event? Has it altered in some way your view of life? Or, your view of the future?

Now before we continue. We would all rather the Corona event will have not happened in consideration of the untold suffering of its casualties and courageous, unselfish sacrifice of those that are there, day and night, to save lives. This, next to the devastating for many emotional, domestic and economic stress caused by the lockdown. But it has happened, so next to the suffering, at the other side of the crisis, there exists a rare window of opportunity that if properly harnessed, can make the world a better place to live in for us and future generations.

Here are three perspectives to contemplate.

A 30-year leap

Let’s start with clean, fresh air. New Delhi’s normal air pollution levels are around twenty times higher than the top limit set by the World Health Organization. Some children do not know what a clear blue sky looks like. Which they are all experiencing today. Fresh, clean air and blue skies. A virus put a (short-term) end to the climate change debate regarding CO2 levels and the like. It did not have to wait for 2050 for it to happen. If, a few months ago, you would have told anyone that global air quality will vastly improve in a matter of weeks they would have said… what..?

The important asserting itself

Let’s move on to another perspective, which is that of gaining a decidedly clearer view regarding the difference between the important and the unimportant. What is your experience? Do you find yourself being able to draw nearer to what is important in ways that eluded you before the Corona standstill? As though a ‘what is important catalyst’ has been thrown into the system.

A space for something else

And now to the most significant perspective, which is that of new forces accessing people’s mentation in unprecedented ways. Did you notice that in breaking life-long habits, a space for something else is created; a ‘something else’ that is waiting in the wings to access human mentation but cannot due to the fact of the over-crowdedness of the human mind?

Now, what is that ‘something else?’ Might it be bits of a fantastic new future that is waiting to happen, while it observes the world celebrating all sorts of deviant futures, such as the future of AI, the future of vaccinations, the future of all sorts of unnecessary technologies… Because the real future is about human development and evolution – the quality of process happening in people and the development of human cognizance and capacity to live the kind of life that ‘echoes in eternity’.

The future appearing out of the unknown

It is a whole new delicious unknown to explore and discover oneself therein.

They don’t teach this in schools and universities, but they really should. (They are beginning to, though, in some)

And it is also very good for the future of business. Some are already picking up on this fact, realizing that what is happening is catalyzing people’s creative instincts in new, wondrous ways.

The new normal is one with a space for a new future in the making. And you may want a little embassy of it present in your life.

With very best wishes to you and yours,

David Gommé

World Copyright 2020© David Gommé