The Fulcrum Insights

Uncommon Insights For The Searchers Amongst Us

Book Recommendation

While I am regularly being asked by my clients for book recommendations, this is the first time that a book is being directly promoted on the Future Dynamics website. And for a simple reason: I believe that this is a book that the world has been waiting for, regarding a...
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The Vital Balance of Hard and Soft

Diamonds are rated 10 out of 10 on the hardness scale. And yet, a five-year old wielding a hammer can easily crack a diamond in two with a well aimed blow. (more…)
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Five Key Practices For Developing Self-Awareness

It is said that developing self-awareness constitutes some 90% of the journey of personal development. You are likely familiar with the disconcerting experiences of needing to deal with people lacking in self-awareness, or, conversely, the illuminating experience of dealing with a person of high self-awareness. (more…)
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Intercultural Dynamics: The Human Connection

Pre-note: This Fulcrum states the obvious. The problem with the obvious, however, is that it is often overlaid by the grind of daily living. (more…)
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Detecting Burnout

The aim of this Fulcrum is to offer an awareness tool to help in the early detection of the onset of stress burnout. *             *             * The World Health Organisation declares stress to be the most lethal disease of the 21st...
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The Anatomy of Control

Dictionary definition of Control: to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command: Overture To survive and thrive, any gatherings of people – from companies to nations – requires the right kind of control in order to maintain administrative intactness. (more…)
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Global Warming Through Human Development

With the right knowledge and know-how, personal development is a remarkable non-linear journey, engendering exciting outcomes. This Fulcrum offers some food for thought by highlighting the deep connection between the nuclear physics of human development and global warming. (more…)
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The Future of Work

The world is changing, rapidly. One of my tasks in helping my clients to generate breakthroughs is to pay attention to emerging trends. When a new trend appears, especially one that is not a direct follow-up of the past, it tends to go unnoticed in its early stages of appearance....
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Am I a Natural Born Leader?

By birth-right potential, every human being is a natural born leader – of oneself. You and I are born to lead ourselves and leading ourselves is where the living essence of leadership becomes intimately relevant to each one of us. (more…)
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Game of Thrones Uncommon Insight

Game of Thrones has become a big missed opportunity. This Fulcrum episode will explain why and in what way it could have been different. This may be of interest to you even if you have not been following this series. (more…)
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The Essence of Culture Change

A well-executed corporate culture change process is a complex operation that requires the launching of several well-synchronized parallel processes with clearly defined time frames and objectives. (more…)
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Stress and Natural Alignment

Work-related stress has now been officially recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) through a revision of the International Classification of Diseases, a handbook for doctors and health insurers. (more…)
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The Magic of Kindness

Dictionary definition of Kindness: “having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence” Each form of life leaves in their trail a unique signature evidence for having been there. Bears leave behind scratches on trees; birds – nests; beavers – dams; wolves – skeletons of their prey. (more…)
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The Intelligence of Stillness

An evolving ecology or process cannot exist in a state of equilibrium. It’s either building or slowing momentum; expanding or contracting; growing or diminishing. (more…)
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The Power of New Beginnings

Astronomers tell us that the universe is expanding in mind-boggling speeds. Within the next few seconds, our galaxy will have moved on to occupy never previously visited new spaces. Space-wise, the universe is in a constant journey of new beginnings in ways that defy the imagination. (more…)
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The Signature of Leadership

What is the signature of leadership? (more…)
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Entering 2019 From the Future

As we approach the moment of conclusion of the passing of yet another year in our lives, it presents an opportunity to let go of what needs to be let go of and fashion the mindset with which we seek to enter the New Year. (more…)
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Leadership Dynamics: The Unifying Principle

The task of leadership is to unify people in a purpose that they can see, feel and want to be a part of. (more…)
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Leadership Dynamics: The Missing Bit In The Paris Accord

One of leadership’s most challenging tasks is connecting perceptions to sensible responses. (more…)
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The Task of Listening

When a person speaks, we hear that which is spoken. Yet, the unspoken quite often screams louder than words through a person’s radiation and body language. (more…)
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Five Key Practices For Developing Leadership Capacity

It is an enduring fact of life that the few will forever lead the many. The world we live in is beset with the few that mislead and tyrannise the helpless many. (more…)
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The Myth of Self-Steering Teams

To illustrate the first key point in this Fulcrum episode let’s pop over to Japan. (more…)
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The Power of Gentle

You are invited in this Fulcrum episode to step into the mental teleportation chamber; to be beamed out into a space observatory that lucidly live streams any place on earth; where you can, at will, mentally zoom in and out of any location on the globe in a fraction of...
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Setting Yourself Free

I greatly enjoyed my conversation with Aviv Shahar on the Create New Futures podcast! Our interview is now live:
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The Fountain of Youth

Driven by cut-throat competition and incessant pressure to perform and deliver, the business world is a hard, unforgiving environment. (more…)
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Every Forum Needs A Dreamer

There are two kinds of dreams: Those that we dream when we are asleep and those that we dream when we are awake. There are also two kinds of awake-time dreams: Useless day-dreams and creative dreams. (more…)
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The Monday Brief

Being a leader, you are likely aware of the objectives vagueness syndrome. Some two thirds of the team members of most teams seem to forever not get their objectives and priorities properly sorted on any given week. (more…)
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Thinking Skills – You Become What You Think About

Originally written in 2012, now updated in response to continuing interest, and for the many new subscribers. (more…)
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The 51% Rule

There are two ways to want something: 1. To want it in a way that achieves it. 2. To want it in a way that does not achieve it. (more…)
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Windows of Opportunity

Definition of window of opportunity: A space in time that suddenly appears, like magic, making things possible that were not previously possible; thereby presenting precious opportunity for something new to happen. (more…)
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Self-Awareness Revisited: A Little Snippet On The Move

You are likely familiar with the experience of trying to offer feedback to a person who has little interest in developing self-awareness, realising that it’s a waste of time and energy and can even back-lash in punishing ways. Fortunately, there are other ways to handle such situations. (more…)
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Understanding Change: The Feminine Rising

Dramatic changes throughout history are often preceded by a sudden ‘left field’ occurrence that serves as a powerful trigger catalyst for a destiny-shaping event. You have no doubt took notice of events regarding women coming forward and taking a firm, vociferous stand in the matters of gender inequality. With all its profound...
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Personal Breakthrough Dynamics: Creating One’s Philosopher’s Stone

Dear reader, this issue of the Fulcrum is a New Year’s gift to the Fulcrum subscribers from around the world. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a New Year of resilient well-being, fulfillment, and prosperity. *             *             * Being the...
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The Other Cause Of Dementia

Prenote: It is a statistical fact that if not for the money, most employees would rather be doing something else than being at their workplace. Imagine the impact of this scenario on world economy. This fact has a deep connection to the subject of 21st century stress. It’s a terrible, terrifying...
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The Triad Of Growth: Time, Space and Opportunity

There are two kinds of growth in human affairs: Carnal and Spiritual. The former is fixed to established boundaries. The latter has no known limits. Growth cannot happen without its building blocks. Bricks and mortar are required in order to build a house. But they don't build a home. Powers and...
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The Power Of Belief

Being the author of remarkable breakthroughs and turnarounds throughout history, belief is a high-octane, self-generated catalyst of making things happen. Belief is a mystery play, of awakening innate potentialities without knowing how. Because the signal of belief is compelling upon hidden powers that lie in waiting, in and outside the person. When...
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The World Stage: The Males And Females Versus The Gentlemen and Ladies

Note: 'Male' and 'female' are referred to in this Fulcrum in the context of arrested development. By themselves, the male and female aspects of a human being are obviously an essential part of the natural human makeup. There are times and occasions in life that call for taking positions. As an example,...
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Leadership Dynamics: Creating Breakthroughs

Leaders are made in the crucibles of destiny, passion, and experience. No human alive can 'make leaders'. A purpose and its needs make leaders - leaders make themselves by their exposure to and desire to serve a constructive purpose. Only the few, however, elect to develop self-leadership in a way that sets them free...
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Leadership And The Study Of Causes

Sound-bites and pixels do not make leaders. Neither do compulsive Twitter accounts followed by millions of people. Modern-day social media enables people and organizations to flood the human mind with megabytes; where truth spinning and distortion has become an art-form. The confusion of leadership Leadership is a confused subject. If someone can manoeuvre themselves to a...
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Evolutionary Leadership

The world is rapidly changing and so is the nature of leadership. Leadership’s core business is change and there are two kinds of change dynamics affecting humanity: Change that is imposed Change that is chosen   Imposed change An obvious example of imposed change is the alternation of night and day. Every day, every...
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Leadership Dynamics: Purpose And Impartiality

There are certain developmental propositions that live at the heart of leadership development. Amongst the leaders of the pack are purpose perception and developing impartiality. There is a deep connection between the two that is important to understand. Purpose – dictionary definition: the reason for which something is done or created...
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Best Wishes

Very best wishes to you and yours for a happy, prosperous and fulfilling New Year. May the coming year draw out the best of you and for the best of you help others be their best in these times of rapid change and incredible new opportunities to create new futures, develop and...
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Personal Evolution: A Journey Into The Undiscovered Self

One of the most rewarding personal development practices is developing a quality that, to put it simply, one is not good at. Example If you are a daring person, there is little point going into overdrive to develop your daring capacity. However, if you are beset by impatience and patience is called for,...
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The Other Kind Of Intelligence

Limited and conditioned by the  21st century attitude to life, the evaluation and definition of intelligence are deeply bound up with the computational powers of the human brain. The self-awareness gap There is a massive, gaping ‘awareness abyss’ present in this way of approaching the evaluation of intelligence, giving birth to bizarre ideas,...
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Inter-Personal Communication: Mastering The Three-Stage Communication Rocket

This Fulcrum was written in response to a client's request for a writeup of the content of a recent coaching session into the subject of self-leadership and communication. Offered here in case it may be useful to others. Being a leader of people, your communication skills are one of your most...
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Feedback Dynamics: For Simplicity and Focused Clarity, Perhaps Try This Approach

One of the most important metrics in the context of wealth preservation is the yield curve: The real-world return on investment if you were to invest your hard-earnt capital in a financial vehicle. The worlds of human development have their own yield curves. What kind of investment from oneself in one’s...
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Why Leaders Need Coaches

The 21st century is an unforgiving ecology. In a shape-shifting marketplace, one person's mistake is another's opportunity. It's an uncompromising playground, where the nature of the game keeps changing with no warning, thereby defining the leadership qualities that are needed in order to survive and thrive. This comes in five parts: Part...
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The Concise Anatomy Of Trust in Its Interpersonal Context

Dictionary definition: “firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.” In the course of my consulting work, helping leaders navigate the untold complexities of human behaviour, the trust challenge keeps rearing its head: “How can I create an atmosphere of trust within the team?” “How do I...
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The Missing Blue

The difference between fate and destiny is that fate decides for you while the idea of destiny propositions an individual with a self-elected choice. This issue of the Fulcrum forays into the challenging worlds of ethics, posing the question: Why is the subject of ethics such a sore point in human...
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Being At One’s Peak As Against Being At One’s Best

“When I compete for gold, I am focusing on giving my best, not on the medal. Because I know that if I focus on the medal I may not win it” An Olympic champion’s mind-set In the course of three decades of working with high performers, I witness the impact of the...
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