One Of The Toughest Questions

Do you ever wonder why is it that for most people, one of the toughest questions to answer is: What do you want? What do you really, really want? Take a moment to ask yourself: What do I want? What do I really, really want? How clear and lucid is your answer to yourself?

It is interesting that many people’s initial answer is: “I want to be happy”. Perhaps you may be one of those. What does ‘being happy’ translates to? What must happen for a person to be happy? Is the wish to be happy a reaction to a situation rather than an ultimate fulfillment?

A vital awareness

People struggle with what they want largely because the world we live in, and this includes formal education systems, conditions its citizens to have wants that live in limiting contexts, created by the industrial and technological revolutions and cultural norms, thereby excluding the higher contexts of the human possibility.

Using the rainbow natural analogy – and in actuality is it much more than a just a good analogy – while the true range of the human possibility in terms of connection and developmental opportunities exists across the full rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (and then there is another octave of three beyond that, which we shall not touch upon here) –  the working framework of the 21st century is mostly arrested at the red end, ignoring much of the rest for most intents and purposes.

So, in asking oneself: “What do I want?”, most people’s conscious references are being drawn from their ‘red’ experience, while their instincts are desperately trying to tell them that there is much more to it – developmentally speaking – than the limitations of the lower segment. Because while one’s conscious thinking may have become limited by and because of red over-saturation, she or he still have the full human capacity to develop and evolve. So those that are unaware of the fact and presence of the full spectrum of possibilities due to lack of self-awareness, find it hard to make up their minds because this is what happens when a person’s self-awareness becomes compromised by the lower end of the perception curve. Added to which is the presence of a wide-open window of evolutionary opportunity the like of which has likely never existed in the history of mankind.

The norm and the exception

We live in a deeply divided world, with numerous, often conflicting, cults, creeds, belief systems, cultures that impose and dominate, cultures that present themselves as democracies that are not, cultures that struggle to maintain free choice, religions, tribes… Each with its norms and what is and is not culturally and politically correct, some under pain of death. So, what one wants is conditioned by hereditary, environmental, cultural, educational, and even astrological factors. Unless one finds a clear space to think from – which can only be found when connecting to the higher levels of the human possibility that are free of low persuasions – one’s thinking is heavily semi-consciously conditioned before even starting to consider what one wants.

So, many end up producing a culturally acceptable want. Starting by being accepted by their own programming.

The way to approach “what do I want?” is by first making oneself aware of what is possible, what is available, what is happening at the higher end of the evolutionary window of opportunity. There is a spiritual and developmental jackpot awaiting those that are ready to embark on this journey.

It is at the fingertips of one’s mind

The real deal in terms of personal and self-development knowledge and knowhow is beyond Google. Those who possess this knowledge and capacity to help others do not commercialize it. “How do I get in touch with those on this journey?” you may ask. The answer is simple as it is somewhat enigmatic: Knowing what one wants leads to encounters with those that want the same thing: Birds of a feather flock together.

Here is an exercise: Take a bit of time out and ask yourself: What is there to be wanted? What is possible for humans to be wanting? Do not fall into one answer. Set your mind free, use your imagination to produce many answers. Doing this exercises one’s natural ability to break through one’s own limitations, towards self-renewal and new self-awareness. And bear in mind that this is a journey – the answer keeps evolving with one’s development.

Knowing what one wants is the driver of one’s next breakthrough

 With best wishes,

David Gommé

World Copyright 2020© David Gommé


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